Ross Cooper
There’s a stillness in the streets of Lubbock at night. If you’ve ever found midnight in the alleys between Texas avenue and 17th street, you might have seen the ghost of Buddy Holly slip around the corner or heard the faint notes of a lonesome west Texas guitar fading down toward U.S. 62. In the right light, the city looks like a scene from an old Hollywood cowboy film, full of bravado and despair, ringing with hope and adventure.
Ross Cooper grew up surrounded by the melancholy of that city, floating between his love of horses and song. Watching and listening, he developed an alternative western songwriting style rooted in the craft of the great lone star writers Robert Earl Keen and Joe Ely, tempered by a Springsteen-style spirit of the lost road – and anchored by a musical soundtrack sparkling like the big, bright stars at night.